marți, 28 februarie 2012

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

In weekend am asistat la un workshop de fotografie despre gravidute, bebei si copii cu Sandy Puc'
Workshopul a fost unul intens...atat din punct de vedere al informatiilor de marketing, de fotografie, de lucrul cu bebeii cat si din punct de vedere emotional. Si o sa cititi mai departe de ce.
Din punctul meu de vedere daca am face toti cate putin din ceea ce face ea am trai deja intr-o lume mai buna.

Pe langa faptul ca are o experienta de peste 20 de ani in fotografie face si multe lucruri caritabile si unul dintre ele este Fundatia NILMDTS. Ce face aceasta fundatie si de ce m-a impresionat atat de mult incat nu stiam cum sa ma mai opresc din plans, puteam controla lacrimile care siroiau pe obraji si am plans pana am reusit sa ma linistesc? Linistesc e impropriu spus...inca ma chinuie ideea. O sa aflati in randurile de mai jos ce face aceasta fundatie.

In 2005, Sandy Puc impreuna cu Cheryl Haggard au co-fondat aceasta organizatie.
NILMDTS administrează o retea de mii de fotografi profesionisti voluntari din întreaga lume, care ofera gratuit, in spitale, sesiuni de portret de familie pentru cei care abia si-au pierdut copilul nou-nascut.

Bazele acestei fundatii au fost puse dupa experienta tragica a mamei lui Maddux, Cheryl Haggard. Mii de familii merg la spital pentru nastere, crezand ca au un copil sanatos... nimeni nu se gandeste ca va merge acolo si se va intoarce fara el. Dar, din pacate, in fiecare zi, mii de copii din intreaga lume trec pe taramul celalalt. In momentul primirii vestii socante ca cel pe care l-ai purtat in tine si i-ai dat este compatibil cu te gandesti la fotografii sau la imortalizarea amintirilor...

Ideea de a fotografia un copil care este conectat la dispozitive care-l tina in viata sau tocmai a fost deconectat de la aceste dispozitive mi-a parut morbidă la prima vedere... dar gandindu-ma mai profund si ascultand marturiile parintilor care si-au pierdut nou-nascutii am realizat ca nu e asa... Aceste amintiri sunt o parte importantă a procesului de vindecare ... Parintilor li se ofera amintiri vii ale copilului, de la fotografii ale manutelor si picioruselor pana la fotografii în care se arată relatia dintre mama si copil, tata si copil sau copil si alti membri ai familiei. Aceste amintiri sunt foarte importante pentru familiile ... e ca si cum copilul este acolo cu tine in fiecare zi din viata ta.

"For the parent, that baby is real. This happened. So we can just give them the opportunity to show that and say, this is my child." - Sandy Puc'

Nu stiu daca la noi ar avea acelasi impact o astfel de fundatie...banuiesc ca nu datorita mentalitatii, sistemului...dar mie in continuare mi se pare extraordinar ceea ce ofera. Ofera amintirii vii ale unui copil care din nefericire nu mai este alaturi de parintii lui.

In speranta ca nu v-am intristat prea tare de la primele ore ale diminetii va urez o zi cat mai frumoasa,

P.S. N-am putut sa nu impratasesc! Este emotionant, este sfasietor...dar este si frumos. Sandy povestea ca la prima experienta de a fotografia un copil care abia fusese deconectat de la aparate lacrimile ii siroiau fara oprire si fotografia si plangea.


This weekend I attended a photography workshop about pregnancy, baby and children with Sandy Puc'.
The workshop was an intense one ... both in terms of marketing information, photography info and working with babies but also emotionally. And you will read below why. From my point of view if we all do a little part of what she makes we already live in a better world.

In addition to having an experience of over 20 years in photography she does much charity is NILMDTS Foundation. What does this foundation and what impressed me so much that I did not know how to stop me crying, yes ... I cried ... I could not control the tears streaming down my face and I cried until I was able to calm down? Calm down is improperly said ... I still struggle with what it.

In 2005, Sandy Puc' with Cheryl Haggard had co-founded this organization.
NILMDTS Foundation manages a network of thousands of volunteers photographers around the world who conduct free hospital and hospice portrait sessions of families who have just lost a baby.

The base of the foundations was laid after the tragic experience of Maddux's mother, Cheryl Haggard. Thousands of families go to the hospital thinking that they have a healthy baby ... no one thinks he will go there and return without him. But, unfortunately, every day thousands of children worldwide go to the other realm. The whereabouts shock news that your newborn is not compatible with life ... you do not think at photos or capturing memories ...

The idea of ​​a photo shoot with a child that is connected to devices that keep him alive or has just been disconnected from these devices seemed morbid at first ... but thinking more deeply and hearing testimonies of parents who lost their newborns I realized it's not morbid at all ... These memories are an important part of the healing process... Parents may have vivid memories of that child, from the photos of the tiny hands and legs up to photos in which is shown the telation between mother and child, father and child or child and other family members. These memories are so important for the families... it's like the baby is there with you forever.

"For the parent, that baby is real. This happened. So we can just give them the opportunity to show that and say, this is my child." - Sandy Puc'

I don't know if a foundation like this would have the same impact here in Romania... I guess not because of the mentality, the system ... but I still find amazing what it offers. Provides vivid memory of a newborn who, unfortunately, is no longer with his parents.

Hoping that I have not made you too sad so early in the morning I wish you a beautiful day,

P.S. I could'n stay away and not share this with you! It's touching, it's heartbreaking ... but it's also amazing! Sandy told us that at the first experience of shooting a child who had just been disconnected from the life support devices tears were streaming down her face, she cried the entire shooting and she cried and she took photographs.

SharpShooterS Photography

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